XU Stats
XU Stats (also formally X2 Stats and X Stats) was a project that I ran from this site some years ago that would take a logfile from a game called X2: The Threat made by Egosoft and allowed a user to create a profile that contained various statistical information.
Since then I have taken it down, mainly due to other commitments (a job) and lost interest. I would like to thank the many that used and supported it, and the few that helped me develop it, create the scripts and images.
I now regret scrapping the project as it was not until I had closed it down did I really realise how popular and important the project was to the community. In fact this was one of my most successful projects in my life ever. I really believe I could have made it something spectacular as I learnt various new programming techniques in my adult life.
Since however, Egosoft have set up thier own version of the statistical analysis of an X game. I had always believed that they could have done a much better job than I had.